generally refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire
population lives in cities and surrounding of cities. Bangladesh
is one of the fastest urbanizing countries in the world. Since
independence, its urban population has grown at about 6% annually.The
number of urban areas increased five-fold in less than twenty years and is
concentrated in the four largest cities: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi.
independence, its urban population has grown at about 6% annually.The
number of urban areas increased five-fold in less than twenty years and is
concentrated in the four largest cities: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi.
But urbanization does
not bring only fortune to our society, it bears some demerits as well. Some of
the disadvantages of urbanization are:
Increase of population.
Movement of people from rural to urban
Increase of industries and factories.
Farmers losing their farms.
Cutting down forests.
Global warming.
Distraction in the eco-system.
So UTC (Urban Thinkers
Campus) has recently organize a program Where EWB Bangladesh was the
participant which is about “The Participatory & People-Centered New Urban Agenda:
Voice from the Grassroots”. Despite some disadvantages, a better city for all
and for continuing urbanization process a new urban agenda must be bring into
front. The last program was about to discuss and come into result for those
main points about urbanization.
Brief :
Their main Brief is
about Urban migration is largely a result of seeking better educational and employment
opportunities, especially in the readymade garments sector. Push factors are
also important: While most people migrate for economic reasons, more than 26%
do so due to environmental and climate related reasons such as natural
disasters, river erosion and recurrent flooding. Many of the migrants are concentrated
in urban slums as squatters where they live in poor conditions, with limited
access to urban basic services.
The theme of the UTC is
“Voice from the Grassroots towards CITY for ALL” and the objectives are as
Sharing the New Urban Agenda for better
understanding at the local level.
Strengthen the engagement of the urban
poor community, local
representatives, and the private sector in implementation of the New Urban
representatives, and the private sector in implementation of the New Urban
Develop a declaration that lays out an
agreed upon strategy for future
courses of action.
courses of action.
Our participation
program was completed in three levels:
(i) Roundtable sessions on the ground with poor community leaders and
ward councilors
(i) Roundtable sessions on the ground with poor community leaders and
ward councilors
(ii) To get extended
coverage and publicity, a session on Meet
the Press
the Press
(iii) Two days program main
event was held at AUST with parallel sessions;
urban lab, opening and closing session, and final declaration.
urban lab, opening and closing session, and final declaration.
The main points of that
program were to solve below problems by specific solvent for a better city:
worker agency must.
Labour pension
Slum people
identification as human settlement.
Create RMG
worker housing by owner.
Slum must be
demolished by notice and make a housing for them.
Make a way for
poor people housing with micro credit.
Slum capture
by housing company.
sanitation must for a better health where toilet must be done with pit or
without pit.
The principal outcome is a declaration that outlines future action, by private
sector, local authorities and grassroots women and men. The New Urban Agenda will almost certainly include significant focus on equity in the face of globalization as well as how to ensure the safety and security of everyone who lives in urban areas, of any gender and age.
The principal outcome is a declaration that outlines future action, by private
sector, local authorities and grassroots women and men. The New Urban Agenda will almost certainly include significant focus on equity in the face of globalization as well as how to ensure the safety and security of everyone who lives in urban areas, of any gender and age.
New Urban Agenda
adopted at Habitat III
The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development has wrapped up in Quito, Ecuador, with delegations adopting the New Urban Agenda – a new framework that that lays out how cities should be planned and managed to best promote sustainable urbanization.
“We have analyzed and discussed the challenges that our cities are facing and have [agreed] on a common roadmap for the 20 years to come,” Joan Clos, Secretary-General of the conference and Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), told participants at the closing session.
Urban Inclusive at UTC
Event Title: “The Participatory and People-Centered New Urban Agenda”
WUC Partner Organization Hosting the Campus: Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) / Coalition for the Urban Poor (CUP)
Venue: Dhaka/Bangladesh/ Ahsanullah University
of Science and Technology (AUST) 141 & 142, Love Rd
The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development has wrapped up in Quito, Ecuador, with delegations adopting the New Urban Agenda – a new framework that that lays out how cities should be planned and managed to best promote sustainable urbanization.
“We have analyzed and discussed the challenges that our cities are facing and have [agreed] on a common roadmap for the 20 years to come,” Joan Clos, Secretary-General of the conference and Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), told participants at the closing session.
Urban Inclusive at UTC
Event Title: “The Participatory and People-Centered New Urban Agenda”
WUC Partner Organization Hosting the Campus: Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) / Coalition for the Urban Poor (CUP)
Venue: Dhaka/Bangladesh/
We are proud to be attain such kind of program and thanks to the all organizer and participants.
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