Student Chaptern formation Guidelines

Student Chapter Formation Guidelines

How to Become a

Engineers Without Borders Bangladesh (EWB) Bangladesh Member?

EWB-BANGALADESH is a non-profit Society dedicated to humanitarian service, professional learning, partnership with national and international organizations & responsible application of technology in specific projects.

Applications for membership must be prepared to pledge utmost respect for professional ethics and financial property in carrying out projects and a commitment to helping others. Members are expected to work in teams along with others in their local and regional chapter and conceive, develop and carry out projects in the line with the work and mission of “ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDER-BANGLADESH”.

Accepted members will have the opportunity and privilege to be associated with and participated in an extraordinary worldwide movement of professional service. They will have the opportunity to create their own projects and to receive their own information, guidance, networking support from EWB-BANGLADESH Headquarters. They will receive information about workshops, conferences and other events organized from time to time by EWB-BANGLADESH and EWB-INTERNATIONAL.

Membership applications, duly completed and accompanied by a DD for the applicable amount (Admission and Annual Fees), should be sent by post to Chairman, Engineers Without Borders, as per instructions in the form. The membership fee applicable is as below:

Annual Subscription


Membership application fee is payable at the time of admission only.
Membership Application:
You can prepare your application by selecting the type of membership below:
Ø  Student membership
Ø  Professional membership

On completion, a PDF file will be sent to your email address given. You need to follow the steps given below:
1.      Print the full application and enter all other relevant details as needed.
2.      Attach photographs (2 copies).
3.      Sign the form and also get it signed by a Faculty Advisor of your Institution if there is an EWB-BANGLADESH chapter or by any faculty member if there is no chapter currently certifying your student status.
4.      Enclosed appropriate Application and application fees as per details in the application form.
5.      Send the form along with the enclosures to the following address:


1.      Name                           :__________________________________
2.      Date of Birth               :___/____/_______
3.      Sex                              :_________
4.      Address                       :_______________________________________
            City:_______________     Post code:________
            Phone:_____________     Mobile:___________________
5.      Permanent Address     :________________________________________
            City:_______________     Post code:________
            Phone:_____________    Mobile:____________________

6.      Hobbies/Interests:_________________________________________________________
7.      Are you a member of any social organization or professional body :______
If  yes, mention the name:__________________________________________________
8.      Name of your University:___________________________________________________
Course of study:_______________________  Date of Completion:__________________
9.      Student membership subscription:


Ø  Membership application fee is payable at the time of admission only.
Ø  70% of the annual subscription amount will be transferred to the chapter,if and when it is formed

I enclose Demand Draft No:___________________Dated:__________ for Taka:           drawn on ______________________________ in favor of “ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS BANGLADESH” being admission fees and subscription for one year.
I have deposited Taka :
Declaration: I have familiarized myself with the Mission,and objectives of EWB-BANGLADESH on its website and I pledge to abide by the responsibilities and obligations associated withEWB- BANGLADESH bonafide membership.
Note 1: If at present there is no existing chapter at your institution, leave name of chapter blank. You may take the lead in starting a chapter (See Guidelines for starting a student chapter).

Note 2:ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDER” (EWB) is a worldwide organization dedicated to humanitarian service, learning and responsible application in technology in specific projects. Membership of EWB-BANGLADESH is open to professionals and students of professional courses who are sincerely willing to participate in the mission and work of EWB-BANGLADESH.

Note 3: Enclose your Bio-data and a certification (as below) from the University starting that you are a student of your University.

Note 4: This Application Form duly completed along with two photographs along with a demand draft for Taka:  in favor of “Engineers Without Borders Bangladesh” payable at  should be sent to the address given below:


The funds can also be deposited in the development purposes

Note 5: Application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and the fees returned, if application is not accepted by the Committee. Accepted Applicants will receive an official laminated membership card.
Space for Chapter
Name of chapter (If already formed):

Certified that the applicant is a good student of our Institution:

Signature of Faculty Advisor/Faculty Member

For Office use only:
Cheque/Draft: Received        Not received
                              Admitted        Not admitted
Vide Membership Meeting no __________ Dated_____________
Membership No _______________

General Guidelines for Starting a New Chapter

1.      In line with the goals and objectives EWB-BANGLADESH, it is anticipated that EWB-Bangladesh affiliated Student Campus will be formed local initiatives by students in any recognized Engineering/professional educational institution in the country to carry out and further EWB-Bangladesh’s mission.

2.      It will be incumbent for all Student Chapters affiliated to EWB-Bangladesh to have a senior Faculty Member as their Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisor will guide the Chapter’s activities and projects and serve as the local mentor.

3.      A group of engineering/professional students belonging to an educational institution interested in starting a chapter are invited to fill out the application form to form a chapter. Application form follows below. You are advised to form a core group of interested members (10 or more) and their individual membership application (web address) to be enclosed with chapter application. If some students were members already, please indicate their names along with the application. If possible, indicate the nature of work or projects you may be interested to undertake, relevant to EWB-Bangladesh’s mission.

4.      No chapter bearing the name “EWB-Bangladesh student chapter-(Name of Institution)” may be started without going through the process indicated in (3) above and obtaining the consent of the Chairman, EWB-Bangladesh.

5.      Faculty Advisor-Roles and Responsibilities for EWB-Bangladesh Student Chapters
5.1              EWB-Bangladesh appreciates the willingness and interest of each Student Chapter’s Faculty Advisor to accept the responsibility to guide the activities and development of the chapter. Faculty Advisor’s role is critical in mentoring the students of the Chapter to ensure that the Chapter adheres to the high standard of ethical values which Engineer without Borders-Bangladesh embodies.

5.2              Each student Chapter board asks a member of their University’s Faculty to serve as Faculty Advisor for the student Chapter. The Faculty Advisor should be accessible as and when needed and be able to oversee the Chapter’s activities.

5.3              The Advisor interfaces with Varsity administration for any support and guide students towards undertaking in relevant Research and Development or Implementation of Social projects in local community.

1.      Name of the Institution          :_______________________________________________
Address                                   :_______________________________________________
                                                City:________________ Post code:___________________
2.      Affiliation of the Institution (if not an independent degree granting institution):
3.      Name of the Director:             :_______________________________________________
4.      Name of Faculty Advisor       :__________________________________
Designation                 :__________________________________
Phone                          :__________________________________
Mobile                         :__________________________________
Email                           :__________________________________
5.      Name of the Student group Contact person:
Phone:________________________  Mobile:___________________________________
6.      Name and specialization of the students wanting to form a Chapter (attach a separate sheet-A). The name should be duly certified by the Faculty Advisor as being the students of the University along with the individual application of each student. Please see membership on the website ()(In case any of the student application has already been sent earlier, then please indicate accordingly).

Please state briefly your motivation in starting a “EWB-Bangladesh student Chapter” and the type of projects or activities you may be interested to undertake in line with EWB-Bangladesh’s mission and goal (Attach a separate sheet-B)

Roles and Responsibilities of the proposed Chapter and EWB-Bangladesh.
       I.            BACKGROUND: EWB-Bangladesh is a non-profit Charitable Organization, registered at Rajshahi, established for the purpose of facilitating voluntary service by engineers and non engineers for the benefit of backward rural and urban populations and protection of the environment and natural resources.

    II.            CHAPTER ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: In consideration of the opportunities provided by EWB-Bangladesh to the Chapter, THE officers of the Chapter agree and covenant:
a)      Chapter Leadership and Management will be provided by a team of elected office bearers, comprised of President, Vice-President (Optional), Secretary and treasurer. The minimum number of student members for starting a Chapter would be 10. The elected office bearers will have a term of one year. Every year formal elections should be conducted to choose all the office bearers.

b)      It is expected from the faculty advisor to guide the Chapter’s activities and projects.

c)      The Chapter will embody the principles and ethics of EWB-Bangladesh and will abide by and conduct its activities consistent with guidelines and rules established by EWB-Bangladesh time to time.

d)     The Chapter may submit proposed projects for EWB-Bangladesh’s review and consideration by EWB-Bangladesh’s Technical Assessment Committee (TAC). A project application form (PAF) will be provided for this purpose.

e)      Members of the Chapter may work with EWB-Bangladesh on field projects identified and mutually agreed upon.

f)       The Chapter will be financially self-sufficient for all administrative activities and will engage in appropriate fundraising activities on its own. The chapter will submit to EWB- Bangladesh’s Board of director’s quarterly reports of its activities and associated financials.

g)      The chapter should meet at least twice in a year and preferably four times in a year/ all meetings should be properly documented and attendance if members attending should be noted. The meeting should be preferably being conducted in the presence of the Faculty Advisor. The chapter can also invite a representative of EWB- Bangladesh, if necessary. EWB- Bangladesh also reserves it right to send its representative for the meeting. EWB- Bangladesh can also call for a Chapter Meet to review and mortar the activities.


(a)    EWB- Bangladesh will guide and assist the chapter in its management and implementation of its mission.

(b)   EWB- Bangladesh will review project plans/ report submitted by the chapter and determine whether such projects are suitable for implementation and in accordance with EWB- Bangladesh’s mission.

(c)    EWB- Bangladesh will provide internship opportunities to members of the chapter as opportunities arise. EWB intends to develop an internship program and will work with the chapter to create such opportunities.

(d)   EWB- Bangladesh will, if required , provide technical advice and guidance for final project design and implementation in the field, specific terms and conditions for such advice and guidance would be stated and agreed upon for each individual project and guidance sought, EWB- Bangladesh may also charge such projects, a fee that it would uses to meet its administrative expenses.

iv. IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECTS:  projects may be initially identified by the chapter or by EWB- Bangladesh. All new projects must be undergoing a form all assessment and approval process as outlined BT EWB policies to be developed from time to time.

v. FUNDING OF PROJECTS: Each chapter participating in a project is primarily responsible for raising funds for its activities and projects on its own. Wherever possible. EWB- Bangladesh may, at the chapter’s request, assist in fundraising by providing testimonials and endorsement and also leads to contact corporate houses at National & International levels for support. 

The chapter will become effective on the date the application is approved by EWB- Bangladesh. The chapter will continue as long as the requisite numbers of students remain members and support from faculty advisor & head of the Institution continues.
This is to certify that we have gone through the roles and responsibilities of the proposed chapter and agree to the same and request the formation of the chapter.

President – Student chapter
By: signature

Faculty advisor- student chapter
 By: signature

Principal/ director of the college
By: name & signature

Send application with all enclosures to the address given below. If infidel applications are being enclosed then necessary amount towards the membership as per details in the individual application should be enclosed.


Student Chapter Certificate

This is certify that___________________________________________________________
College has been established a Student Chapter of “EWB-Bangladesh” under the name & style of __________________________________________________________________________
“Student Chapter”
This Chapter will be managed by the elected body of student headed by the president and guided by the Faculty Advisor.
This certificate will be valid until the same is withdrawn by EWB-Bangladesh
Date of issue: _________________
___________________________________ SEAL OF EWB-Bangladesh
Chairman- EWB-Bangladesh

Student Member Certificate

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ______________________________________
Studying at (Name of College/University) has been a member of the “EWB-Bangladesh Student Chapter”- (name of chapter__________________________________________________________)
From the (Year to Year) and participated in its activities as (Member/ secretary/ treasurer/ president / vice president).

Date of issue: _________________
___________________________________ SEAL OF EWB-Bangladesh
Chairman- EWB-Bangladesh

EWB Banner
(Name of the chapter)

                                                   (It is made for just testing)

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